Humanizing Chefs: Kam Siu
Name — Kam Siu
Where do you Cook? — At all of Home Skillet Corps brands. Dope Asian Street Fare, Decibel Korean Fried Chicken and Phat Banh Mi
Where are you from originally? — China
Favorite Food(s) — Italian and Japanese
Favorite Chef(s) — Ryan Santos, Tsvika Silberbergs and Jose Salazar
Favorite Cincy Restaurant(s) (Past or Present) — Please was my favorite. I cried when they closed. Zula was my other go to and cried as well when they closed. Currently, Mita’s is my favorite.
Favorite Food Memory or Meal — All holiday meals with the family. Always memorable
I first knew I wanted to be a chef when — I started working at my Uncle’s restaurant as a kid. I loved the environment.
If I weren’t a chef, I would be — QB1 for the 49ers! LOL. That’s my dream but I know it’s not going to happen.
My first job was — Imperial Chinese restaurant in Rochester, NY. Family business growing up. I worked there on weekends cleaning menus and polishing silverware.
Why I love my job, in three words — Food unites people.
If I could have dinner with anyone, past or present, it would be — Lou Holtz. I’m a Notre Dame football fan since I was a kid and have always admired his philosophy to life.
My favorite book is — I’m really bad at picking up a book so no favorite books.
Favorite thing to cook after a busy service — Fried eggs, Asian greens with garlic over rice. Comfort food from my childhood.
Favorite Movie(s) — Jerry Maguire, Dumb and Dumber, There’s Something About Mary and The Gladiator.
Favorite TV show(s) — Simpsons and The Office. Funny every time you watch it.
Favorite Song(s) — Entire Wu Tang playlist.
Favorite Band or Musician — Wu Tang
Favorite Place to travel — anywhere in the world is fine with me. There’s too many amazing places out there to say there’s a favorite place.
Favorite Hobby(s) — Eating and drinking. I love food and all kinds of alcohol. It’s where we come together with friends and/or family and catch up. Food and drinks make people happy so that’s why I love it so much when I have free time.
Favorite Quote — I tell everyone around me this on a daily basis, “Take responsibility for your actions.” I see the majority of people pointing fingers at others or make excuse when mistakes happened or when they don’t get the results they want instead of looking at the(…)
Biggest pet peeve — I can’t stand people not taking responsibility for their actions.
Your motivational quote for other cooks/chefs — “ Never stop being inspired.” “Your action should have a purpose.” No clue who originally said these but these work for me and I think being a Chef, both are very true.
My advice to future culinary pros — Your ego is your biggest challenge. Be humble and stay humble.